I had my 23 week check up with my midwife today. I was hoping to drop off Tucker at my mom's house, but that didn't work out, so I brought him with. For the most part, he entertained him self with toys. But then gained an interest in a lamp by throwing blocks up aiming for the light bulb. Ahhh love that kid ;) My midwife tried to involve him in the appointment by having him help with the fetal heart rate monitor and the measuring of my belly. He was a big helper and felt proud of himself. At one point I saw him lean his ear in to hear the heart beat.
The babies heart rate was good and strong; in the 150's. My belly measured pretty much right at 23cm. We talked about seafood and what is considered to be safe to eat during pregnancy. She recommended the Monterey Bay aquarium website for choosing the best seafood: http://apps.edf.org/page.cfm?tagID=1540.
We also talked about ways to involve Tucker with the new baby. My fear is that he will feel 2nd and separated from us, especially during breastfeeding. She said from her experience, the first child will start to grow up real fast and become more independent. Simply because I physically won't be able to do as much, for example, by having him put his shoes on by himself and such. I can also encourage him that he is my big boy and how special that is. I can involve him by asking him to get diapers for me or rub the babies leg while I'm nursing her. Just some examples that made me feel more at ease.
We briefly spoke of post par-tum care for our newborn and what possible injections and/or drugs will be administered. I was informed that the ointment that hospitals put in the newborn's eyes after delivery is an antibiotic used to treat any possible STD's the mother may have. I have the right to opt out of this, especially since I'm 100% sure I don't have an STD. I remember Tucker having this "gunk" in his eyes after the delivery and I felt sorry for him :( The other thing administered is Vitamin K. Vitamin K is needed for blood clotting. Babies are born with small amounts of this which can RARELY(1 and 10,000) lead to Haemorrhagic Disease. This injection is used as a preventive. Typically hospitals will administer this by injection. My midwife informed me of an oral option that could be given to the baby a few times for the first few weeks of life.Or, we can opt out of this as well. Something to think about.
I mentioned that I'm expecting to go early with his baby, as I did with Tucker. That hope was quickly dashed as she informed me that many of her mamas-to-be sometimes go late with their seconds! Ugh! We'll have to see....
For my next appointment, my midwife will be coming to my house. How fun!
Afterwards, Tucker and I headed to a resale store called Simply Savvy in Madison. I heard that they carried maternity and baby clothes, so I thought I'd check it out. I ended up finding a cute red dress for myself and a couple nice blouses. I also picked up a few Zutano outfits for my baby girl. Great deals!
Pictures taken by my midwife, Debbie.
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And everyone goes "awww..." |
Pregnancy Questionnaire
How far along? 23 weeks
Due date: August 26th, 2012
Baby #? 2nd child
Symptoms? Heartburn and acid reflux after having too much dairy, huge sore boobs, Braxton Hicks contractions, some trouble sleeping, frequent urination.
Movement? Yes! I can see my belly move and feel her kicks.
Cravings? Anything chocolate, pastries, seafood, steak...etc.
Gender of baby: GIRL!
Doctor or Midwife: Certified Nurse Midwife
Hospital or home birth? Planned home birth
Mood? Pretty steady. Although, my husband might say differently ;)
Looking forward to: Summer and being able to enjoy the warmth and soak in that vitamin D. Can't wait to get into my sundresses!
Baby #? 2nd child
Symptoms? Heartburn and acid reflux after having too much dairy, huge sore boobs, Braxton Hicks contractions, some trouble sleeping, frequent urination.
Movement? Yes! I can see my belly move and feel her kicks.
Cravings? Anything chocolate, pastries, seafood, steak...etc.
Gender of baby: GIRL!
Doctor or Midwife: Certified Nurse Midwife
Hospital or home birth? Planned home birth
Mood? Pretty steady. Although, my husband might say differently ;)
Looking forward to: Summer and being able to enjoy the warmth and soak in that vitamin D. Can't wait to get into my sundresses!
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