Wednesday, April 4, 2012

C-sections: Some question whether surgery occurs only for medical necessity

"One of life's miracles is being reduced to an epidemic of unwarranted profitable major surgical procedures with serious complications, too often for the convenience of the surgeon," he said. "And vulnerable expectant mothers are not in a position to challenge the recommendations of the obstetrician."


  1. I actually wish I had had a c-section with my 2nd, instead of a VBAC. The healing was actually much more difficult than healing from my c-section.

  2. Aw that's too bad. That is quite surprising. I hear you though because I tore with my first baby and it was quite painful. I believe the article was speaking more about the safety of repeat c-sections compared to vaginal births. I know everyone heals differently, but I feel going the natural route is less risky...even if it sometimes means a more painful recovery(although quite rare).
