We talked about heart burn, a varicose vein spot on my leg(lovely right?),the importance of seeing a dentist during pregnancy,registering at a hospital just in case we have to transfer, good sources of protein in my diet, etc. We listened to the baby's precious heart beat, which was good and strong and in the 150's. My belly measured at 19cm, which is right on track since I'm 19 weeks. Everything went great!
Afterwards, I went grocery shopping for my son Tucker's 2nd birthday party this weekend. I Can't believe I have a 2 yr old and another one on the way! Am I crazy? I'm truly blessed :) Looking forward to my one and only ultrasound next week, where we'll hopefully find out the sex of the baby!
Pregnancy Questionnaire
How far along? 19 weeks
Due date: August 26th, 2012Baby #? 2nd child
Symptoms? Heartburn, some fatigue, varicose vein spot on my left leg(Looks like a bruise), huge sore boobs!
Movement? Yes! Little pokes.
Cravings? French fries, anything chocolate, pastries, Chinese food, Mexican food, Reeses peanut butter cups.
Gender of baby: Unknown. 1 week until my ultrasound!
Doctor or Midwife: Certified Nurse Midwife
Hospital or home birth? Planned home birth
Mood? Pretty steady. Although, my husband might say differently ;)
Looking forward to: My ultrasound next week and Tucker's 2nd birthday party this weekend. Feeling good!
My top cravings for this week
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