Giggles and curls, ribbons and bows- She's so adorable from her head to her toes!
Due date: August 26th, 2012
On April 10th, 2012, Zach, Tucker, and I went to have our ultrasound at Stork Vision in Madison, WI. This was a very different experience from the clinic where we had our ultrasound with Tucker. It looked like an upscale boutique/spa/photography studio. The patient exam room was gigantic, but cozy at the same time.
The "lady parts" |
The ultrasound technician had me lay down, on what looked like a massage table..ahh :) I started to have a Braxton Hicks contraction, which ended up lasting for the entire appointment! It was slightly uncomfortable due to that, but I was so fascinated by the appearance of my baby, that I didn't care. You could actually see the contraction happening on the screen! The baby had her legs "spread eagle", haha, right away; so we could immediately tell that it was a girl. I asked the tech, "are you sure it's a girl?" and she replied, "Yes, I'm 1000% sure!"
Wow! I immediately started excitedly laughing and shed a tear. Zach and I looked at each other in amazement. We were thrilled! A baby girl? Our daughter? Wow, so incredible to say those words. I would have been thrilled with another boy as well, but the idea of 1 boy and 1 girl seemed perfect!
The rest of the exam took close to an hour. The baby looked perfectly healthy. Praise God! We were only expecting to have the 2D black and white ultrasound, but we were surprised with the 3D as well. Very fun! You could actually see her nostrils, it's that detailed! I was amazed by the technology and the ability to see such fine details of our little girl. She even has my nose!

Afterwards, we bought our first "girly" item at the "boutique"; a crocheted pink hat. As soon as we got in the car, we called Zach's mom. She answers the phone and says, "Ok, I'm sitting down." I told her, "It's time to start buying dresses!" All she said for about a minute was, "Oh my,oh my god, oh my..."Later, we went over to my parents house and had my mom pull the hat out of a bag. My sisters and dad were there as well. The room erupted with screaming and my mom was jumping up and down. Such a wonderful day!