Friday, March 16, 2012

Patulous Eustachian Tube (a pregnancy condition)

Here's the scoop. I've been sick for the past 3 weeks with a sinus infection. The infection started off as a cold/flu and then went into my eyes and ears causing conjunctivitis and an ear infection. For the past 2 weeks, I've been struggling with excess drainage in my sinuses and fullness in my ears. The doctors thought I originally just had a bacteria infection that causes my inner ear to fill up with fluid. This has been tortuous!

I haven't been able to sleep, eat or enjoy my life at all. I haven't gained any weight from the pregnancy. There has been many tears, many prayers, depression and panic attacks from this condition. After about 5 family practice doctor visits, 3 different antibiotics, nasal rinses, nasal decongestants, warm cloths and heating pads, sinus massage, a steroid to reduce the inflammation; my doctor decided to send me to an ENT (ear, nose, throat specialist this morning.

I was expecting to have the ENT find excess fluid in my ears and possibly a severe bacteria infection. I was expecting to have a TMP. This is where they basically stick a needle, an intentional perforation, in your ear drum to create a passage way for the fluid to drain out. They also may put tubes in your ears to help continually drain the fluid. I was so desperate for relief, that I was ready for this painful and invasive procedure.

Then the shocking news came. To my surprise, the ENT found NO fluid in my ears and a perfect looking ear canal. I thought he must be joking because I had been told for days that there was a fluid build up in my inner ear canal(Eustachian tube). I have been taking a steroid the past couple days to reduce the inflammation in my ear canal, so there's a possibility that any fluid in my ears may have drained because of this medicine. The prior doctors may have been seeing some normal puss build up from the sinus infection, that is supposed to drain fairly quickly. But I still had the fullness/pressure in my ears.

After a few tests, the ENT diagnosed me with Patulous Eustachian Tube. "This a rare physical disorder where the Eustachian tube, which is normally closed, instead stays intermittently open. When this occurs, the patient experiences autophony, the hearing of self-generated sounds. These sounds, such as one's own breathing, voice, and heartbeat, vibrate directly onto the ear drum and can create a "bucket on the head" effect. It causes an unpleasant fullness feeling in the middle ear and alters the auditory perception." This condition gets worse with pregnancy." This sinus infection I've had has also made it worse. The ENT called it a rare condition intensified by pregnancy. What a shocker! I had never heard of this condition and especially that my pregnancy caused this.

With Tucker's pregnancy (my first son), I now remember feeling a heartbeat sensation in my ear. My OB told me it was probably just another weird pregnancy symptom. So I didn't really think much of it since it wasn't too bothersome. But this sweet new baby is really making suffer during this pregnancy :)

Anyway, the severity of this condition has gone down dramatically since I started the low dose of steroids (Which is safe for my stage in pregnancy). Thank God I know now what's wrong with me and I can make proactive choices and actions to manage this rare condition. I'm so happy I decided to see a specialist! Oh the joys of pregnancy!


  1. I am having the same symptoms and I'm 32 weeks pregnant. This all started a week ago & my doc says my ears look fine. Did this problem resolve itself after pregnancy?

  2. Yes! It does. Strange condition, right? As soon as my 1 month cold virus passed, it pretty much cleared up...thank God. I had the pulse sensation on an off until the end of my pregnancy. You're almost there! ;)

  3. Hey Ashley, I am having the same thing right now, they said that I can't take anything. I am currently 29 weeks. I have also gestational diabetes, but the ear thing is just kicking my butt. I am so depressed and sad, I don't want to eat anything. All i can think about is the ear thing. Do you remember what steroid they gave you?


  4. Hi there,

    I'm SO sorry you're going through this condition. It really drove me crazy. I was also depressed and panicky. The sinus infection is what made it unbearable. I begged my doctor to give me something and she put me on the steroid Prednisone for 4 days (like 5mg?) and it allowed my Eustachian tube to open up enough to drain (because it was swollen shut). Good luck :)

  5. Thank you so much for replying! I don't have a sinus infection now, but I was sick for about a month from December 20 - January 15. I did have a sinus infection then, and my doctor gave me some antibiotics for it, it cleared up and aside for stuffiness, I don't seem to be sick. I went to see a special ear doctor and he said that it could be pregnancy hormones. I have had it on / off for a few weeks, but since last Monday it has been everyday from morning (until night time, then after I eat dinner and go lay down I seem to get some relief. The next day though it starts again. The doctors seem to be clueless, I just want to cry all the time and hope this goes away soon. Did you get any relief from laying down or after eating a meal? Feel free to email me at


  6. Girls, I guess misery loves company because I am so relieved to hear I am not a total freak of nature. My ear is driving me INSANE!! I feel like my quality of life has been reduced tremendously but then I keep trying to put it into perspective. It is so nice to hear that it usually goes away. I am MISERABLE!!!!

  7. I know this is an old post, but I have to say I'm really glad to hear that I'm not the only one having this problem! I have been starting to get really depressed about it, because hearing my own voice and breathing so loud in my head (and NOTHING else) when my ears pop and stay open like this, has been negatively affecting my work and life! If it makes you feel any better, when I did some reading about this (trying to figure out how to help it) I learned that they sometimes prescribe antidepressants for patients who have this problem, because it can be so bothersome and affect you so negatively. I really hope it goes away once the baby comes. In case anyone else finds this page and these comments and is having the same problem, I have found two things that help: 1) getting enough sleep, because every time I yawn it triggers a long bout of this problem and 2) tipping my head forward or sideways, and sometimes pressing behind my ear with my fingers.

  8. So glad I found this post - I have this too, and am 24 weeks pregnant. It does seem to help to lay down, or get my head lower... another person mentioned this somewhere else. Any updates? Have any of your symptoms disappeared or reduced after giving birth?

  9. Sorry for the delayed response. I haven't been on here for a while! @Brooke, The thing that made this condition unbearable for me was the fluid clogged ears from the sinus infection I had. A few months ago, I got another cold and once again the fluid went into my ears for days. It was horrible! I've come to the conclusion that I need to see a chiropractor to get my neck/sinuses adjusted. I've done some research and found that a lot of chiros can fix the Eustachian tube dis dysfunction. If this happens again, I'm going to go see one. Is this your situation as well, or is it primarily the pressure, hearing yourself breathing in your ears, heartbeat sensation, etc? during my pregnancy, the ENT also told me to lower my head by laying down for a few minutes to allow the Eustachian tube to close. But that didn't help me, because mine were swollen shut with fluid. Yes, this condition does get better after pregnancy, but not completely. Like I said, maybe try the chiropractor. Best wishes.

  10. I know this post is so late but I just gave birth to my baby girl march 7 2014 and my ear is still doing the same thing as far as hearing myself when I talk I had also gotten sick once again after pregnancy and my ear were clogged but they opened up. I just my right ear still suffers a lot not as much as I did in my pregnancy but it hurts every once in a while and it does feel like it opens. I wanted to know if the medicines that the doctors gave you helped at all. I have been looking this problem up and found too things that could help one is estrogen premarin nasal drops. I just feel like everytime I go to the doctors they don't understand what im going thru and I told them about this and they still don't understand me

  11. Hi Ashley,

    What were your exact ear symptoms after having the sinus infection?

    1. Ear fullness
    2. Hearing your own voice louder, while other sounds from outside is normal
    3. Hearing your breathing in the affected ear
    4. Symptoms alleviated with head down lying position or titled your head between your knee - temporarily help

    And when did all the above symptoms go away? During pregnancy or after delivery?

    Please reply.

  12. I would be really interested in hearing about anyone else who has this condition and if it really does improve after the pregnancy is over. I have had PET for about 5 years and it was a mild enough case that it didn't really interfere with my quality of life (would typically have episodes a few times a week, mostly when running or doing some other cardio) but as I've gotten further along in my pregnancy, I am now having symptoms on and off all day, every day. The only thing that relieves it is laying down or tilting my head way over on the side of my "bad" ear.

    My doctor says it will improve after I have the baby but I wonder how long it will take to get better. It has gradually gotten worse and worse throughout the entire pregnancy so I wonder does it get better right away or is it also a gradual improvement? If it doesn't get better after she's born I am desperate enough to consider surgery or other invasive techniques because at this point it really interferes with my life.

    1. This describes me exactly! I'm wondering if it has gotten better (if you've had your baby yet). Mine is definitely getting worse and worse and am hoping that it will get better after delivery :S... Very interested to hear how yours is doing!

  13. I am having the same problem! I have had it for about a month and have just been given some steroid spray to try..... I am only 16weeks pregnant so not looking forward to another 6 months of this!!! Also seeing as I am a music teacher and spend my days singing or playing instruments (really not great hearing my own singing voice inside my head & having a class full of chatty kids that I struggle to hear!!) so over it!

  14. I too have suffered from PET for over 5 years. It was a big struggle in my career because I am in hosting/acting and do voice over work as well. My ENT actually told me that when I got pregnant it would probably go away. Well it did temporarily with my first pregnancy and I was overjoyed! But...I'm on my second pregnancy and it has come back with a vengeance and I'm really hoping after baby is born it goes away ...I think it's also related to stress and sleep and from my TMJ which tightens my neck muscles severely and effects my ear pressure. I've managed to live it but it can be extremely frustrating when it happens while I'm holding a conversation! You're not alone ladies!

  15. There is a group on fascebook called PET - patulous Eustachian tubes ... you all should join! They have lots of tips and advice. I am on my 3rd pregnancy and this started in my 2nd pregnancy but went away after I had my little boy. It's back now and getting worse now that im 8 months pregnant. Praying it goes away again.

  16. I am on my second pregnancy and had all these symptoms during the entire 9 months with my first, and so far the entire time with this one (31 weeks). I went to an ENT last week and was diagnosed with PET. I was happy to hear I'm not crazy and the condition actually has a name, but it is so extremely miserable. And no one I know has ever heard of it, so it's hard when no one can understand what it feels like. It's started affecting my work, and I have completely eliminated my social life because it's just too hard to carry on a conversation. It is really depressing. I'm happy I found this blog, because I'm going to give the chiropractor a try now and also join the PET FB group the above poster recommends. Right now the only thing that helps at all is to hang my head upside down, but the moment I come back up it comes back. And to lie down, but both of those options aren't practical in a work or social setting!
    Does anyone know if steroids help with PET, or do they just help if you have a sinus infection along with it? The ENT Specialist could find nothing wrong other than having PET.

  17. Hi, I had PET in June 2016 for 3 weeks. I went on Prednisone (a steroid) for 5 days and it went away. The ENT specialist isn't sure if that is the reason it disappeared. I'm happy to say that it has never come back again. I got lots of rest, drank lots of water and laid flat as much as possible. That might be what helped too.

  18. I'm three months postpartum and still experiencing symptoms. Went to the ENT and he prescribed Flonase. I am a singer and I am worried my ability to hear pitch is compromised. Will this go away?

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  23. Hi! I came across this post and am exactly the same at 37 weeks. I have been on steroids for 3 out of the six day pack with no relief. Do you remember how many days it took?

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  29. PLEASE PLEASE READ. Hi Ashley. I've only come across your blog now, 2022!! I'm going through some stressful time with PET (no infection) and wanted to ask how you are now? So many years have passed since you had this experience and I wondered whether the Prednisone given by the ENT specialist helped long term? I'm pregnant and really want some way to manage this PET. I really hope you see this and can reply.

    1. Hi! Not Ashley but thought I'd comment anyway in case it could help you. If you are on Facebook there is a great group you can join called 'PET - Patulous Eustachian Tube disorder'. There is tons of helpful information and tips on there. What helped for me when pregnant was using a saline solution and putting that through your nose to your eustachian tube that temporarily closes it. It helped give some relief!

    2. Hi Jo, thank you so much. I actually joined the group before I saw your comment, I'm grateful you pointed me that direction too. What saline solution did you try by the way and did your PET disappear after pregnancy too? And also did it affect you during labour, were you able to breathe ok? It's hard to find pregnancy-related PET on that group so some of my questions are better answered here.

    3. I ended up using a homemade solution with distilled water and superfine salt, so it was extra salty. I found the store bought solutions where not salty enough to close the tube.
      I did not notice the PET at all during labor, as far as I can remember I feel like it went away with everything else going on in my body :P It wasn't an issue at all for breathing or anything else during labor for me.
      And yes my PET did lessen after birth! I did get mine before pregnancy, as it was more weight related for me. But it was at the worst when I was pregnant, especially after losing weight during the first trimester (eating less - nausea).

    4. This video helped me with the saline solution I made:

    5. One addition as well is that I had really bad nausea in first trimester too, maybe I lost weight and didn't notice. Also really awful hay fever straight after that...could be connected to the ear issues.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Thank you very much Jo. I've only just seen your reply. I'll give this a try. I've had moments of autophony in the past (maybe twice in my life) when I was stressed but with pregnancy the brief autophony incident I had weeks ago has left my ears so sensitive to noice, I can hear a crackle/crunch in my ears too when I swallow and small amount of breath through one ear on and off throughout the day. I'll try this saline solution and hope I can tilt my head the right way to get the solution in there. Good to hear yours lessened once you gave birth, that gives me relief!!!:)
