Monday, February 27, 2012

When things don't go as planned...

Even when things don't go as planned, like a breech baby, you can still have a beautiful and life changing birth experience. One of my best friends, Nicole, shares her birth story.
  • Nicole and Randy
  • Married with one daughter
  • Chicago land area

Elisia's Birth Story:

"Ever since I found out we were expecting I knew I wanted to have an “all natural” birth. Randy and I attended a natural birth class called Brio. The class was incredible and so informative. Our instructor, Martha, was very knowledgeable and welcomed us into her home every Thursday for 12 weeks. We learned everything from relaxation techniques to breastfeeding to swaddling a baby. We also started going to a midwife for this same desire. We knew that midwives were passionate about birth, incredibly knowledgeable, and were willing to help you have the birth experience you desired. Randy’s sister, Sara, had just recently had her baby girl, Naia, with the West Suburban Midwives group so we decided to go with them. Sara had nothing but positive things to say about this group and we would soon see why.

At about 32 weeks we had a checkup and an ultrasound, pretty standard as I’m told. We discovered during this ultrasound that Elisia was frank breach. This is where their butt is in the pelvic opening and they’re basically folded up with their feet up by their head. We were alarmed but not too worried since the midwives said many babies will come out of that position on their own, but they wanted me to come in every week at this point just to check progress. From that point on I went in every week, and every week she was in the same position. I started to get more and more stressed. I knew that if she was Frank breech a C-section would most likely be preformed and this is the last thing I wanted.

The midwives gave me a whole list of things to do to get Elisia to flip, and we tried them ALL. I tried all sorts of stretches and “breech tilts” contorting my body in a way I didn’t think was possible as a third trimester pregnant women. I started swimming twice sometimes three times a week. I did massage, chiropractic work, hypnotherapy, and moxibustion. Despite all of these efforts along with copious amounts of prayer, Elisia was staying put. The midwives told me that if she didn’t turn by 37 weeks the last resort was trying an external version. 37 weeks came and we went to the hospital for the external. I was met by my midwife and an obstetrician. I was told this procedure was painful but thankfully I didn’t know how painful because I probably wouldn’t have gone through with it. The procedure is basically two people going on either sides of your baby and pushing as hard and as quickly as possible to turn her. Randy had to stand at the foot of the bed and hold my feet down and apply pressure to distract me from the pain. He said he was pressing so hard he thought I was going to start bleeding, but I didn’t feel it. The dr. and midwife tried two times and both times Elisia moved sideways but just popped back to her frank breech position. The pain was unbearable and traumatizing. My midwife later said to me that she has a hard time doing them, especially when they’re not successful. She just hates causing that much pain in a women and seeing the emotional trauma afterwards.

After the external Randy and I had to start coming to terms with having a C-section. This was so hard. It was difficult on so many levels. I wanted a natural birth so badly but I knew this was out of my control. From this point on I just prayed for peace and that God would help me trust in him. I prayed that I would at least go into labor so I could experience part of the labor process at least.

This prayer was answered on August 9th, 2011. For the past two months I had braxton hicks, “practice” contractions. A couple days before August 9th I had a couple periods of contractions that were close together. I thought I might be in early labor but didn’t think much of it. On August 9th I was feeling more uncomfortable and had a hard time walking, still though I was in denial and went about my day. I had a midwife appointment that I went to at 4p.m. As my midwife, Gail, started to wrap up our visit she asked if I wanted to be checked. I said, “What’s the point? I’m having a C-section.” haha I was really mad about it as you can tell. Gail said “ Won’t it be fun to just see? What if you’re 2 or 3 cm. dilated? That would be cool to know.” I agreed and after checking she said, “Wow, alright your 4 cm. dilated, with a bulging bag of waters, and I can feel the babies butt. I remember thinking, “ok what does that mean?” She proceeded to tell me that I could either wait it out at home or go to the hospital to have the C-section. She said that she predicted that things would move fast either way and since I had a bulging bag of waters it might be a good idea to go to the hospital. I called Randy and we discussed it and decided to meet at home and then go to the hospital.

The next 5 hours were the fastest I can ever remember. I remember feeling excited, nervous, unprepared, and joyful all at the same time. By the time we got the hospital and in the triage room I was 5 cm. I remember being so uncomfortable as they prepared me for the surgery. I was in the triage room for about two hours and I couldn’t move off the table which made labor a bit more painful. I remember asking several times if the catheter could come out. That was the most uncomfortable thing ever! By the time I was being wheeled off to have Elisia, I was 7cm. Randy told me that the nurses were freaking out, wondering where the Dr. was because they were afraid Elisia was going to come before the c-section.

The surgery room was cold and medical everything I didn’t want to experience while having my baby. During the whole process Randy and my midwife, Gail, stood by my side. It was so special having Randy there holding my hand and encouraging me throughout the birth. Best bonding experience ever! Gail was amazing. I kept asking her what was going on and she would explain everything in detail ( midwives rock!). As they took Elisia out Gail was describing exactly what was happening, “Ok they’re taking out her leg, her butt, there’s another leg…” Although the drugs numbed the pain I still felt pressure. As I gave birth to Elisia I felt her come out of my body. This was the strangest but most amazing feeling I’ve ever had. I started to hear her little cries and not 5 ft to my left they weighed and measured her. Gail quickly then brought her to me and we spent about 10 minutes just looking at each other. Gail held her close to my face and we snuggled while they stitched me up.

A couple weeks before we had discussed out C-section birth plan with the midwives. This plan included Randy taking Elisia to be weighed, measured, etc. while I was being stitched back up. So after Elisia and I had some time together Randy took her to the nursery. This is one of the most special aspects of having a C-section. Randy got to spend the better part of 45 minutes with Elisia. The first 45 minutes of her life. I know that they bonded during that time and it was so meaningful for Randy to be there with her. As I came into the recovery room Randy & Gail brought Elisia to me so I could nurse her for the first time. I remember being so adamant that they don’t give her a bath because I wanted to have that experience of the “newborn” smell and to have as much benefits as if I had her vaginally. I was so glad Randy made sure they didn’t, I will never forget how she smelled, as strange as that sounds, since I was a little out of it from the drugs that smell is a great anchor for my first memories with her.

Although Elisia’s birth wasn’t what I planned it was still beautiful. I can’t believe it’s already been four months and already look back to that day was nostalgia. God was so present during that time and taught me a lot about trust and faith. I am a bit of a control freak and this was something that I couldn’t control. I had to trust in God and deal with my pride, there was no way around it. God is good and Elisia is such a blessing in our lives and when she grows up I can’t wait to share this story with her."

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