Wow, it's been a very long time since I've written anything. I'm sure you all understand that I've been a little busy with 2 kids! 2 months ago already!
Here's what happened, as far as midwifery goes, in the last few weeks:
The morning after Rosey was born, the midwives did their first check up. I'm so thankful for this immediate check up because I was already sooo overwhelmed. We had only gotten about 1hr of sleep the night before, my hormones were all over the place, and I was already worrying about Zach going back to work! It just hit me that I was now a mother of 2 very young children and would be solely responsible for them in about 1 week. The midwives were simply there for me. They listened to me, with an arm over my shoulder. They gave me some advice and comforting words. They also asked me about how I was recovering physically. I was bleeding quite a bit, but still all very normal.
They also did a newborn check up. This included weighing, listening to her heart, and taking a little blood sample from her foot. Rosey had lost some weight, which is completely normal for a breastfed baby. No worries though, the colostrum from my breasts were sustaining her. She was having plenty of dirty and wet diapers. They also took her footprints. So cute!
I believe their next visit was about 3 days later. As you read in my birth story, we were at my parents house. They visited me there. I was resting in bed and they hopped in there right with me. Similar check up to the very first one. Just checking in with me to see how my physical and emotional state was. They weighed Rosey again, and she actually gained weight this time!!! She was about 2 oz past her birth weight. That was such good news! I felt like such a good mommy :) My milk came in on the 3rd day, one day sooner than with Tucker. The engorgement was very painful, but thankfully only lasted about 24 hrs. Engorgement lasted 7 days with Tucker! So I was very thankful for the severe pain to be over in this short of time. It seriously feels like your boobs are going to explode. I could barely lift my arms it hurt so bad. Cold compress at least took the edge off.
I believe my next home check up was about 4 days later. We were back home at this point and still adjusting to newborn life, of course. I remember still being in my pj's, legs unshaven, and I stunk like B.O.! LOL. The house was a disaster and my milk was spraying like a faucet. I was a mess! But what can you expect from a new mom? My midwife, Debbie, informed me that this is what it's supposed to be like. Thankfully my mom was there to help with Tucker. I believe Debbie brought her son, who's about 3, over for this check up. It was fun for Tucker to have someone to play with. She attempted to do a newborn hearing test, but Rosey would not cooperate so she would try again another day. She weighed Rosey, and once again she had gained a few more ounces. Hooray!
About 1-2 weeks later (my memory is fogged now) I had another home visit. This time I was actually showered and dressed. The house was even picked up! We're making some progress now! Debbie and Lovesta came together to this one. Rosey slept the entire time in her swing, so they attempted to do the hearing test and succeeded since she was sleeping soundly. She passed! Once again, we spoke about my physical and emotional well being.
I believe there was one other visit some where in between here, but I can't remember the details.
My next check up was around 6 weeks. This would be the last post partum check up. We visited Debbie at her office this time. It was good to be back there once more. While we were there, she did another weight check and asked about how I was doing. It was bittersweet for me because I didn't want the birth experience to be over. But I was so happy to have Rosey of course! The midwifery care I received during the last 10 months had just been incredible. Debbie and Lovesta had shared in one of the most significant experiences of my life. How could I say goodbye? Even now I'm tearing up. My baby and I had received the most amazing care.
Even though our visits were finished, Debbie would always carry a special place in my life. She assured me that she wasn't going anywhere and we would be in contact :)
Just recently I started experiencing some post partum depression and anxiety. It finally hit me how hard it is to take care of 2 kids. It takes forever to go anywhere and nothing ever goes as planned. I was worn out! For a few days I actually started having stomach pains from all the stress. I probably dropped a couple pounds just from not eating much for those few days.
Emma, one of my other midwives, from "At home midwifery" invited me to share my birth story at her homebirth class. One other new mom and I both shared our extremely different birth stories It was very fun and refreshing to talk about Rosey's birth once again. Afterwards, I talked to Emma and Britt about my recent stomach pains and anxiety. They comforted me and advised that I have a doctor check up. I listened and went the next day. Everything turned out to be physically fine, and the diagnosis was what I mom stress. Later that day, Debbie called me. Her and Emma were at a birth the night before. Emma explained to Debbie what was going on with me. It was nice to speak with her again. She wanted to make sure I was OK and advised me to check out this group called, "Madison Postpartum Peers." It's a mom's group that gets together 1-2 times/month for support. I'm planning on attending the group this weekend. Looking forward to it!
In conclusion, my midwifery care and homebirth was phenomenal. I wouldn't have done one thing differently. I feel very blessed to be able to have this kind of care and birth. In a lot of other U.S states and some countries, home birth comes with many challenges and obstacles. I'm fortunate enough to live in a birth friendly state, "On Wisconsin!"
If you're interested in speaking with me further about my experience, please feel free to ask me any questions. I would love to speak with you! Below is my particular midwife's information:
Open Arms Midwifery
Debbie Healy, CNM
Much birth love to you! You never know, maybe I'll be sharing another birth experience with you in a couple years ;)
Ashley :)
Welcome! My name is Ashley. Yes, it is true, we are expecting our 2nd child and are planning a home birth for August 2012. Our prenatal care will consist of meeting with a Certified Nurse Midwife instead of an OB; throughout the entire pregnancy. I invite you to follow this new experience with us!

My 1st child Tucker 4-7-2010
Friday, October 26, 2012
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Monday, October 1, 2012
"Call the Midwife"
New series on PBS called "Call the Midwife". Very interesting! Shows what midwifery care was like in the 1950's. We've come a long way in midwifery care! I love the Warren family and their "Loves cures all" mentality.
"I've begun to see what love could do. Love brought life into the world and women to their knees. Love had the power to break hearts and to save. Love was like midwifery; the very stuff of life and I was learning how to fly with it. Through all the streets, like the river to the sea..."
Full episode on
"I've begun to see what love could do. Love brought life into the world and women to their knees. Love had the power to break hearts and to save. Love was like midwifery; the very stuff of life and I was learning how to fly with it. Through all the streets, like the river to the sea..."
Full episode on
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