My 1st child Tucker 4-7-2010

Friday, December 28, 2012

Oh how I love breastfeeding my little one....

Sarah Clark

About Sarah Clark

Sarah Clark is a mother of four naturally birthed babies, a wife, a birth instructor, and a board member for Birth Boot Camp, a natural birth company specializing in online and in person birth education.

There are all kinds of facts and figures and studies on the benefits of breastfeeding.  But let’s be real, this is a subject that is about far more than studies.  It is emotional (you can even prove that with science!) sacred, yet every day.  Here are  few things about breastfeeding that are awesome and that you deserve to know about.

1.  Looking in your babies eyes.

2.  Holding your sweet little one.

3.  Getting a BREAK to sit down with a super good excuse.

4.  Makes you feel relaxed.

5.  It really is easier in the long run.

6.  Even after a busy, crazy, day with a baby and a bunch of other kids, you can look back and know that you held your baby a few times that day.

7.  Getting an extra hour of sleep after the morning wake up when you nurse them back to sleep.

8.  Being the person who feeds your baby skin to skin is a good feeling.  It is like you and only you fed somebody and helped them grow.  Amazing.

9.  You know when you are nursing a baby that you were productive that day even if the dishes need doing.

10.  It magically makes them stay babies.  For real.

11.  Babies and toddlers are quiet when they nurse.

12.  Fixing sadness.

13.  Portable.

14.  I wouldn’t recommend camping with kids.  But if you do choose such a thing, nursing makes it easier.

15.  No runs to the store.

16.  Breasts are easy to clean, and don’t usually need to be sanitized. (I am just kidding.  I never sanitize mine.)

17.  La Leche League- cool ladies, great friends.

18.  It just makes sense.

19.  Sneaking out of church to go to the mother’s room where it is quiet, you can hear the speaker, and hubby gets to sit with the kids!  Many a relaxing break in the nursing room…

20.  On the other hand, you can easily nurse in the middle of church so you don’t distract all the other kids that would want to follow you out!

21.  No getting up to prep anything in the middle of the night- it is a self-serve system!

22.  Lactating breasts are like a free pharmacy for the whole family!  Ear infection, gooey eye, runny nose- NO PROBLEM!  A little milk can fix it up.

23.  Unoffensive poo.

24.  Liquid diet for sickies means they still get nourishment when they are sick.

25.  Milk sharing.  It just makes a mama feel like she is helping someone when she can share milk with a friend who really needs it for their baby.

26.  One less thing to buy.

27.  Seems to magically calm the whole house.

28.  Helps you sit and reconnect with the other kids.

29.  Gives you time to read a little (before they are grabby) which is just so NICE when you are a busy mom.

30.  A meal that requires NO DISHES!!!!

31.  A meal that requires no preparation!

32.  A meal that requires no shopping!

33.  One less thing in the diaper bag.

34.  Happy baby on the plane!  Just nurse them and they don’t scream.

35.  Less hassle when they frisk you in security when you are getting ON the plane.

36.  MONEY- it is saved.

37.  No plastic.

38.  The little games they play that only you see while they nurse.

39.  Sweet nursing noises.  Nothing like a slurping baby.

40.  Getting thin faster.

41.  Of course, there is also the added bonus of being able to say, “I’m nursing, I need the extra calories,” as you mainline donuts.  Though admittedly, this may interfere with 40.

42.  Firm breasts for a few months again!  It is like being a teenager all over!

43.  Perspective.  It teaches you what your body is capable of and how little some of the sag matters.

44.  Milk drunk babies.

45.  Milky drool.  Cute.

46.  Sleepy milky smiles.

47.  Putting a baby to sleep with your body is really pretty special.

48.  Legal protection to nurse most anywhere.

49.  It pisses off Barbra Walters.

50.  Such HEALTHY babies!  The nursing baby is the healthiest person in the house.

51.  Toddler calmer.

52.  You can travel light!  Baby, mama, diaper- GO!

52.  Sisterhood.

53.  It is fabulous to do something for your baby that nobody else can do.

54.  Feeling fabulous about something after you just had a baby can be a big bonus when your hormones are going wacko.

55.  Breastfeeding can help heal a birth that didn’t go as you planned.

56.  NO AUNT FLOW!!!!!!!!!

57.  A quiet phone call (while they nurse.)

58.  Makes you love them more.

59.  Slows you down for a minute.

60.  Gives you a chance to cuddle with a toddler, either one you are nursing or one who is no longer the baby and needs somebody warm to sit with.

61.  Getting away with public nudity.  Come on, you know it is fun.  (I’m just kidding!  It isn’t sexual.)

62. Oxytocin.

63.  Builds confidence.

64.  Hello- you grew a baby- and now you are feeding one!

65.  Bonding.

66.  Night feedings don’t get much easier than rolling over.

67.  Never forget a snack.

68.  It is nice to be somebodies favorite person for a while.

69.  The original COMFORT food.

70.  Guilt free comfort food.

71.  At the end of the day, after all the mistakes, I know at least I did one thing right.

72.  Teaches you about your baby.

73.  Gives you your first chance to teach your baby and work together towards a common goal.

74.  Builds a relationship without words.

75.  Strangely makes me feel like a feminist.

76.  Feels very feminine also.

77.  Snuggles.

78.  A little person who loves you and doesn’t see chub or fluff, they just see a warm, soft, pillow.

79.  Memories for later.

80.  No leftovers.

82.  No waste.

83.  Self satisfaction of knowing you did your part to save the ozone.

84.  Nursing- always a good answer!

85.  All of a sudden, breasts are multipurpose!

86.  Self regulating.

87.  It is just cool when your milk lets down and then the baby wakes up.  Being totally in sync with another human is amazing.

88.  Increases and decreases as needed.

89.  Healthier mama.

90.  Happier mama.

91.  Sleep-feeding.

92.  Being needed.

93.  Needing somebody else.

94.  Dad can do so many things I can’t do, it is nice to have something that I can do special for the kids.

95.  Breastfed baby smell.

96.  Breastfed baby skin.

97.  I might not look that good in tights, but making milk is a superpower!

98.  Chatting with moms about nursing- it just is awesome to be able to share and learn and teach each other.

99.  Sometimes you just need a good reason to buy a new bra.

100. LOVE

(Thanks to the ladies on the Mama Birth Facebook page- I couldn’t have reached 100 without you!)

This post originally ran on the Mama Birth Blog on March 20th, 2012

Friday, October 26, 2012

In conclusion...

Wow, it's been a very long time since I've written anything. I'm sure you all understand that I've been a little busy with 2 kids! 2 months ago already!

Here's what happened, as far as midwifery goes, in the last few weeks:

The morning after Rosey was born, the midwives did their first check up. I'm so thankful for this immediate check up because I was already sooo overwhelmed. We had only gotten about 1hr of sleep the night before, my hormones were all over the place, and I was already worrying about Zach going back to work! It just hit me that I was now a mother of 2 very young children and would be solely responsible for them in about 1 week. The midwives were simply there for me. They listened to me, with an arm over my shoulder. They gave me some advice and comforting words. They also asked me about how I was recovering physically. I was bleeding quite a bit, but still all very normal.

They also did a newborn check up. This included weighing, listening to her heart, and taking a little blood sample from her foot. Rosey had lost some weight, which is completely normal for a breastfed baby. No worries though, the colostrum from my breasts were sustaining her. She was having plenty of dirty and wet diapers. They also took her footprints. So cute!

I believe their next visit was about 3 days later. As you read in my birth story, we were at my parents house.  They visited me there. I was resting in bed and they hopped in there right with me. Similar check up to the very first one. Just checking in with me to see how my physical and emotional state was. They weighed Rosey again, and she actually gained weight this time!!! She was about 2 oz past her birth weight. That was such good news! I felt like such a good mommy :) My milk came in on the 3rd day, one day sooner than with Tucker. The engorgement was very painful, but thankfully only lasted about 24 hrs. Engorgement lasted 7 days with Tucker! So I was very thankful for the severe pain to be over in this short of time. It seriously feels like your boobs are going to explode. I could barely lift my arms it hurt so bad. Cold compress at least took the edge off.

I believe my next home check up was about 4 days later. We were back home at this point and still adjusting to newborn life, of course. I remember still being in my pj's, legs unshaven, and I stunk like B.O.! LOL. The house was a disaster and my milk was spraying like a faucet. I was a mess! But what can you expect from a new mom? My midwife, Debbie, informed me that this is what it's supposed to be like. Thankfully my mom was there to help with Tucker. I believe Debbie brought her son, who's about 3, over for this check up. It was fun for Tucker to have someone to play with. She attempted to do a newborn hearing test, but Rosey would not cooperate so she would try again another day. She weighed Rosey, and once again she had gained a few more ounces. Hooray!

About 1-2 weeks later (my memory is fogged now) I had another home visit. This time I was actually showered and dressed. The house was even picked up! We're making some progress now! Debbie and Lovesta came together to this one. Rosey slept the entire time in her swing, so they attempted to do the hearing test and succeeded since she was sleeping soundly. She passed! Once again, we spoke about my physical and emotional well being.

I believe there was one other visit some where in between here, but I can't remember the details.

My next check up was around 6 weeks. This would be the last post partum check up. We visited Debbie at her office this time. It was good to be back there once more. While we were there, she did another weight check and asked about how I was doing. It was bittersweet for me because I didn't want the birth experience to be over. But I was so happy to have Rosey of course! The midwifery care I received during the last 10 months had just been incredible. Debbie and Lovesta had shared in one of the most significant experiences of my life. How could I say goodbye? Even now I'm tearing up. My baby and I had received the most amazing care.

Even though our visits were finished, Debbie would always carry a special place in my life. She assured me that she wasn't going anywhere and we would be in contact :)

Just recently I started experiencing some post partum depression and anxiety. It finally hit me how hard it is to take care of 2 kids. It takes forever to go anywhere and nothing ever goes as planned. I was worn out! For a few days I actually started having stomach pains from all the stress. I probably dropped a couple pounds just from not eating much for those few days.

Emma, one of my other midwives, from "At home midwifery" invited me to share my birth story at her homebirth class. One other new mom and I both shared our extremely different birth stories  It was very fun and refreshing to talk about Rosey's birth once again. Afterwards, I talked to Emma and Britt about my recent stomach pains and anxiety. They comforted me and advised that I have a doctor check up. I listened and went the next day. Everything turned out to be physically fine, and the diagnosis was what I mom stress. Later that day, Debbie called me. Her and Emma were at a birth the night before. Emma explained to Debbie what was going on with me. It was nice to speak with her again. She wanted to make sure I was OK and advised me to check out this group called, "Madison Postpartum Peers." It's a mom's group that gets together 1-2 times/month for support. I'm planning on attending the group this weekend. Looking forward to it!

In conclusion, my midwifery care and homebirth was phenomenal. I wouldn't have done one thing differently. I feel very blessed to be able to have this kind of care and birth. In a lot of other U.S states and some countries, home birth comes with many challenges and obstacles. I'm fortunate enough to live in a birth friendly state, "On Wisconsin!"

If you're interested in speaking with me further about my experience,  please feel free to ask me any questions. I would love to speak with you! Below is my particular midwife's information:

Open Arms Midwifery
Debbie Healy, CNM

Much birth love to you! You never know, maybe I'll be sharing another birth experience with you in a couple years ;)

Ashley :)

Monday, October 1, 2012

"Call the Midwife"

New series on PBS called "Call the Midwife". Very interesting! Shows what midwifery care was like in the 1950's. We've come a long way in midwifery care! I love the Warren family and their "Loves cures all" mentality.

"I've begun to see what love could do. Love brought life into the world and women to their knees. Love had the power to break hearts and to save. Love was like midwifery; the very stuff of life and I was learning how to fly with it. Through all the streets, like the river to the sea..."

Full episode on

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Rosey’s Birth Story

The entire weekend I had been feeling VERY pregnant. I was having a lot of Braxton Hix contractions, building pressure in my pelvis, and a “ready to pop" type feeling. Friday, Zach and I decided to go on a date. My parents watched Tucker at their house while we went mini golfing at Vitense in Madison. It was so fun! I totally crushed Zach! It was nice to have some alone time before the baby arrived. After mini golfing, I really felt like I could go into labor any time. I just knew she’d be here soon! Well, it didn't happen that night, nor Saturday. I began to think that my “very pregnant” feelings meant nothing. I thought I should really get my mind off the birth and onto something else! It was driving me crazy, just wondering when it would happen.

Sunday came around and we started the day off by going to church. I talked to a number of women about my pregnancy and told them that I was feeling ready. Afterwards, we decided to go to the National Water Ski Show Tournament in Janesville. We spent about 1hr there and ate some lunch. It was a beautiful day to just sit outside and watch some fabulous skiing. On the way home, I once again felt very labor like. I had the most intense Braxton Hix contractions every few min for the rest of the day. No not labor contractions, still the practice ones, but more painful than normal. That evening, Zach and I watched the closing ceremony of the Olympics. It was a nice way to relax and call it a night. We thought “could this be the night?” Zach and I both had a strong feeling that I would go into labor that evening/early morning. I remember Zach saying to me, “we are going to have a baby tonight. I can just tell.”

Sure enough, I woke up around 3:30am to go to the bathroom. I had to pee very badly. I remember thinking, “well, tonight must not be the night.” I randomly decided to stand in the middle of our living room for a few min and just breathe, gathering my thoughts before heading back to bed. At 3:40am, all of a sudden I felt a trickle of liquid in my underwear. I rushed to the bathroom to see what this was all about. As soon as I saw that the liquid was tinged pink and it started to flow more, I knew I was in Labor. I had one mild contraction and rushed to wake Zach, If this labor was anything like Tucker’s, we knew it was only a matter of time. I woke him by saying, “Zach, It’s happening”. He excitedly responds, “are you serious?!!!”.

We both rushed into the living room and kitchen to start gathering things together. I called my midwife while Zach started gathering the birth items. After just one ring, my midwife answers her phone. To my surprise, she sounded very alert and intense. I thought she would have been sleeping. Well, I totally forgot to tell her who I was. Little did I know that she and the other 2 midwives were on there way home from a “false alarm” birth, or a “fizzled out” one. When I called, I said, “ Debbie, I’m in labor. My water broke”. She responds very sharply, “your water broke?, Is the baby moving?, etc. One question after the next. My phone then dropped the call. Ahh!! I called her back. We chatted some more, and then she says, “Ok, we’re turning around”. I was confused. I said, “Oh, wow, you guys are fast!” “You’re turning around?” huh? She was confused as well. Suddenly, ding ding! It clicked that it was I who was calling. She thought that I was the other woman whose labor fizzled out. They were heading back to her house! Debbie, says “Oh, is this Ashley?!!!” “Yes!” I said. She quickly says, “we’re on our way!” and then we hung up. Talk about confusion! LOL.

Right after we hung up, the intense contractions began. Zach made the rest of the phone calls. He called our Doula friend, Megan and my sister Allie. Megan was thankfully only a few min away and arrived within 15 min. Allie was on her way from Madison to be on “Tucker duty”, just in case he woke up during the birth.

About ½ hr into labor, I was in “birth land”. Completely in my own world, and unaware of what was going on around me. I think the midwives arrived around 4:30am. I got down on my knees on our living room floor and laid my upper body and arms over the sofa. I knelt on a couple pillows. Megan was helping me with my breathing before the midwives arrived. I remember feeling panicky, from the intense onset of strong contractions. I was making high pitched noises, so she had me lower my sounds and hum/groan. It actually helped me calm down a bit. I remember the midwives rushing in when Zach opened the door. They immediately set up camp. Lots of action going on around me, but I was unaware of the detailed process.

My labor was already in full force. The contractions were SO close and unbearable. I remember biting the leather sofa and pulling it back with my teeth! I can’t believe I didn’t put a hole in it! Zach was like, “Ashley, you’re going to ruin the sofa, bite on something else like a rag”. I couldn’t believe he was worried about our sofa at a time like this! Haha, now I understand and I’m glad he got me the rag.

My birth team set up all around me. I had someone on each side of me, holding my hands. I squeezed them will all my might during the contractions. There were also a couple people behind me...manning my naked lower end. Haha, talk about being in a vulnerable position! But I didn’t care, I wanted that baby out!

Very intense contractions continued for over the next hour. I thought to myself many times, “What did I get myself into?” Why am I putting myself through this pain, when I could be in the hospital getting pain medication?”, “This is the last baby I will ever have!!”. The pain was so strong, I didn’t think I’d be able to get through it. At some point, I realized my situation and had no choice but to do this. I remember telling myself I could get through it, and to imagine the baby moving lower and lower through my pelvis. It helped that my midwife suggested this. It made me feel like I was making progress with each contraction. With every contraction I could feel the babies head move down. What an incredible sensation! It was very powerful, like the intensity of an ocean wave moving through my body. I could barely breathe when that happened. I was getting so impatient and expressed how frustrated I was that I was having so many contractions and still no baby. Haha! It had only been less than 2hrs. But I was in the heat of labor, soon entering transition. Debbie whispered to me gently, “stop doing contraction math”, focus on getting through this current contraction.”

I remember breaking down in tears at one point, getting very nauseous and gagging. Also, pooping like crazy! Ahh! So embarrased, but the midwives reassured me that it was very normal and that everyone does it. Maybe it was the position I was in, on all fours, with my butt in the air and everyone behind me that caused me to feel so embarrassed! Whatever, I quickly got over it. I was obviously entering the pushing stage.

Debbie kept reminding me to let the contractions do the work of pushing the baby through the birth canal, instead of me pushing so hard. The contractions would be a lot more powerful than my pushing would be. I resisted the urge to push, but it was very hard. I was getting impatient and wanted it all to be over with. Suddenly, I felt the baby crowning. A similar burning sensation that I had with Tucker’s birth. Finally! I thought. I knew that my baby would be here in no time and all the pain would be gone. Debbie told me to not push, but to grunt instead. This would allow the area to stretch slowly and not tear. I so badly wanted to NOT tear with this birth. I had a 2nd degree tear with Tucker’s birth and the recovery process was very difficult.

I think I only pushed hard a couples times and her head came out! The midwives had Zach ready to catch his daughter. This is something pretty routine with home births, If all is going well with the birth. When the head came out, I could hear Zach whispering “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh”.... in utter amazement. A couple more grunts and the rest of her sweet warm body slid out. I was so relieved! She cried immediately after she was born. Since I was on all fours, she was born behind me. So I didn’t see her right away. I was so desperate to hold my baby. I believe I was crying and yelling, “Where’s my baby? give me my baby!”Over and over again until I actually got to hold her. Zach said it had only been about 10-15 seconds, haha. They had to unwrap the umbilical cord from around her belly, before giving her to me.

As soon as she was in my arms, I burst into uncontrollable tears. I was sobbing the words, “my baby, my baby, my baby...”. I held her tight to my body and squished her cheek against mine. She was so warm and beautiful. Insanely perfect. At one point I felt the overwhelming presence of God. I remember picturing the face of Jesus and seeing him smiling down at me. There was an incredible amount of peace and joy. I cried, “Thank you God!” I felt as though I were in heaven; experiencing nothing but pure joy.

Next, I delivered the placenta. This was more painful than I remember. With just a couple contractions and slight pushes, it came out. What a relief!

Soon after, I started bleeding pretty excessively. The midwives jumped into action and were all over it. I remember Debbie ordering, “I need Pitocin!” I almost immediately received an injection in my thigh. The Pitocin would help my uterus to contract to allow the blood to slow down. It wasn’t stopping fast enough, so I received another injection in my other thigh. On top of that, another drug that would dissolve under my tongue. At this point I was getting pretty nervous. But my sweet daughter actually started breastfeeding a few minutes after birth. She was a pro! The breastfeeding actually helped with the bleeding, causing contractions. It was almost as if she knew the situation and wanted to help her mama get well. We were so connected. Simply amazing. Thankfully, the bleeding slowed down. All was well once again.

Now, I was fully able to relax and enjoy my baby. I sat on the living room floor, leaning against the couch, for a long time. The umbilical cord had been attached for around 15-20 min. The midwives had Zach cut it. Her cord was much smaller than Tucker’s. For some reason Tucker had a very thick cord. Next, one of the midwives, Lovesta, showed me the placenta. I love this part. It was so interesting and fascinating to see my baby’s life support.

Next, we had Zach bring out Tucker to meet his baby sister. I remember hearing Tucker wake up when I was in labor. He woke up about 1/2hr before the birth. It worried me that he would be scared to hear his mama in pain. Everyone reassured me that he was being well taken care of by my sister. I remember hearing Thomas the Train music/movies coming from the other room. It was relieving to know he was being entertained and also comical to be listening to this during labor! When Zach brought out Tucker, he looked wide eyed. Probably very confused seeing all these people in the house and mommy on the floor holding a baby. He points to the baby and says “baby”. Zach then leaned him into me and he gave me a kiss. So sweet.

The rest of the early morning consisted of getting me prepared to get into bed, eating some pancakes, Rosey’s newborn exam, and cleanup by the midwives. Once we were all nestled in, the birth team headed out. Tucker went to my parents for the day and Zach, Rosey, and I rested and cuddled over the next few peaceful hours. Such an amazing experience! 

The position I stayed in for the entire time

The midwives at work

A few seconds after she was born

working to stop the bleeding

Happy but very tired

Daddy keeping her warm

Her newborn exam

Being weighed

Rosey Lei Robinson
Born 8/13/2012 at 6:02am
Weighing 6lbs 7oz and 20 1/4 in long
Labor: 2hrs and 20min! A new record for me!
(Lei is pronounced like Lee)
Unexpected, yet comical, circumstances
The next day, in the evening, I had a couple people over to help clean and do laundry. I was nursing Rosey in my bedroom when I all of a sudden smelled smoke. I next hear all this commotion from everyone trying to figure out where it was coming from. Zach ran over to check on the washer and dryer. It was banging very loudly and it was smoking. It had locked itself shut during the cycle, so he had to unplug the entire unit. Talk about scary! It could have started on fire at any moment. Tucker, Rosey and I quickly went outside to escape the smoke. We must have sat out there for a couple hours.

Unfortunately, the smoke didn't clear out fast enough before dark. Zach and I were very upset and were clueless on what to do. I decided to call my midwife to ask her opinion. I was pretty much hysterical at this point. She advised us to either get a hotel room or head to my parents house for the night. Zach and I knew that it wasn’t safe for our newborn baby to be there, so we decided to pack up and go to my parents. Talk about overwhelming! My wonderful parents quickly rushed out to our house(35min away) and helped us pack up everything we needed. We ended up getting to their house around 10:30pm.

We quickly got everything unpacked and nestled in for the night. My parents gave us their bedroom and they slept in the guest bedroom where Tucker’s bed was. We ended up staying almost 1 week because the help with Tucker was so amazing. My parents really helped take care of us those first few postpartum days. So the whole experience was actually a blessing. Plus, I’m getting a top of the line front loading washer and dryer out of this!

Friday, August 17, 2012

My amazing midwives

2 out of 3 midwives, Debbie and Lovesta during one of my post partum visits. 

My family

Rosey Lei

The birth story coming soon! I'm a very tired mama ;)

Rosey's Birth

Labor started at 3:40am with a contraction, my water broke with a slow trickle at 3:45am, she was born at 6:02am on 8/13/2012 in our living room. Caught in the loving arms of her daddy. Total time 2hrs and 20min!

A few seconds after she was born. PURE BLISS

In amazement
Daddy keeping her warm
Newborn exam

Getting weighed. 6 lbs 7 oz! Pretty and petite
A few hours before labor


Monday, August 13, 2012

She's here!!!

Welcoming Rosey Lei at 6:02am today! Born at home. Weighing 6lbs 7oz, 20 1/4 in long. She's beautiful and everyone is doing well :)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

37 week check up!

On Thursday, I had my 37 week check up with my midwives. I can't believe I'm in the homestretch! I'm so excited! The baby is doing great. Her heart beat was in the 150's, she was moving around a lot, and my belly was measuring around 35cm.

Illustration of fundal height measurement
Fundal height 
I was pretty concerned that I was measuring small for a couple weeks in a row now. The midwives reassured me that measurements within 2 weeks of the gestational age is completely normal. She said one time she had a mom who was 40 weeks and measuring at 34cm, and ended up having a healthy 8lb baby! Also, I'm probably measuring smaller because the baby has dropped lower in my pelvis, reducing the "fundal height". Other reasons could be that I'm just simply carrying this baby differently. Baby girls can sometimes be smaller than boys. I also discovered that I have gestational diabetes with this pregnancy, so I've been watching my diet a lot more...therefore making me less bloated ;) I've gained 19lbs with this pregnancy and with Tucker's 33lbs. I'm not complaining! It'll be easier to lose the weight this time around. Pregnant women only need an extra 300 calories/day. The "eating for 2" belief is definitely false.

My midwife also told me to not get my I hopes up, but the baby's head is very low and I could potentially go into labor any day. We'll see! The house is already to go and we have all the items we need for the home birth and a newborn. The anticipation is killing me! The midwives suggested that I have some fun and enjoy these last few days/weeks. I purposely didn't plan much for August, but I'm thinking now I need to plan some more outings/activities to get my mind off of the birth. Zach and I decided to go on a date tonight. Maybe mini golf? We don't get out much together and it will definitely be harder once the new baby arrives.

2 nights ago I was rudely awakened by terrible leg cramps in my calves. It was extremely painful. I was screaming in pain. Zach thought I was in labor! The midwives recommended a magnesium supplement. I started taking it the same day, but haven't noticed a difference in the pain yet. My calves are still sore from those 2 cramps. It probably takes a while for the magnesium to accumulate in my body. Thankfully I haven't had any more cramps since then, just lingering pain. I've also been nauseous all day...ugh.

Excitedly awaiting!

(37 week pic coming soon!)

Pregnancy Questionnaire
How far along? 37 weeks

Due date or "guess date": Somewhere around August 30th, 2012
Baby #? 2nd child
Symptoms? Very strong sensation of the baby's head low in my pelvis, Braxton Hicks contractions, frequent urination, leg cramps, nausea and indigestion.
Fetal Movement? Yes, but really only when I lay down or am very still.
Cravings? Fish, steak, burgers, ice cream, pasta...
Gender of baby: GIRL
Doctor or Midwife: A Certified Nurse Midwife(Debbie), a Certified Prof Midwife(Emma), and a CPM apprentice(Lovesta). Plus, a doula(Megan)!
Hospital or home birth? Planned home birth
Mood? Excited!

Recent news: We moved Tucker into his toddler bed(Converted the crib). He loves it and its been an easy transition! Thank God!
Looking forward to: Holding my baby girl in my arms

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Great finds!

Zutano Collectibles dress from Ebay for $8!
Baby Mini Par Catimini (French designer)
bunting at Goodwill for only $1.50!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

36 week check up

I'm safe for a home birth! Yay!!! I'm officially 36 weeks and the baby's lungs should be mature enough. So relieved! Hoping that this little one stays put for at least 1 more week though. The longer they stay inside, the better they breastfeed.

I had my 36 week check up with Debbie and Lovesta today. Baby is growing great! Heartbeat sounded good, lots of fetal movement, my blood pressure is good, belly is measuring at 35cm,....everything looks swell. 

My test results for Group B Strep came back negative. Hooray! For the past week I've felt more pressure lower in my pelvis. The baby has definitely dropped lower. I suddenly have more room in my stomach and have had a roaring appetite. I can eat dairy again! I stocked up on Greek yogurt because it's loaded with protein; plus it's so delicious with granola and fruit :) The only problem now is that I have more indigestion. This is most likely from the baby now pressing on my digestive system. All normal, but sometimes uncomfortable. 

I had one item left on my home birth check list, and that was a hot water graded hose for the birthing pool. After the appt I went over to Ace Hardware and picked one up. We are now officially set to go!  

I'm so excited to be sooo close! I can't wait to meet my little girl. I'm day dreaming of her and Tucker being together. I think he'll be an excellent big brother. He loves babies and will be a great helper. I'm sure there will be an adjustment period for him. He will obviously not be the only child anymore...and hopefully less spoiled ;) He definitely needs a sibling to balance him out a bit! Ohh the terrible two's.....ahh!

Things I will miss about being pregnant: Most of all, the fetal movement. I feeling of life inside of me coming into being. It's simply a miracle of God. It takes like a billion things to come together perfectly to make a baby. I love my pregnant belly and all the attention from strangers marveling over it! Hehe. Why not enjoy it, right? It's so temporary and who knows if I'll be able to do it again. I love maternity clothes and showing off my belly :) I often day dream about my baby; what she'll look like, what her temperament will be like, her personality, the adorable dresses she'll be able to wear, picturing daddy with his little girl....etc. 

I'm so thankful to God that I've been given the gift to bear children. I've wanted to be a mom for as long as I can remember. I'm so thankful for having one perfectly healthy child and one that appears to be the same. I'm praying that we have another healthy baby and that the birth goes completely well with no complications. Please keep us in your prayers! I'm thankful for a wonderful husband. He is such a loving, supportive, and devoted husband and daddy. I couldn't ask for a better man. I'm thrilled to be sharing this experience with him. I'm also thankful for a loving and supportive family and friends. You've all been so self sacrificial and helpful throughout my entire pregnancy. I'M VERY BLESSED!

4 weeks to go! Or sooner....crossing my fingers ;)

Pregnancy Questionnaire
How far along? 36 weeks

Due date: Somewhere around August 30th, 2012
Baby #? 2nd child
Symptoms? Sensation of the baby's head low in my pelvis, Braxton Hicks contractions, VERY frequent urination, easily fatigued, sore feet and lower back, indigestion.
Fetal Movement? Yes, But as my midwife says, it's more like Tai Chi instead of Karate :)
Cravings? Meat! Fish, steak, cereal, Greek yogurt and granola.
Gender of baby: GIRL
Doctor or Midwife: A Certified Nurse Midwife(Debbie), a Certified Prof Midwife(Emma), and a CPM in training(Lovesta). Plus, a doula(Megan)!
Hospital or home birth? Planned home birth
Mood? Happy!
Looking forward to: Chilling out and watching the Olympics over the next couple weeks and of course the anticipation of  the birth!!!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Newborn prep!

Can't wait to put this on my little girl
Changing table is well stocked!
2 of my favorite items

New items for our kids' room

Pregnancy art from Etsy
The shelf that I've been trying to get my husband to put up forever!
Breastfeeding Art by a good friend Emily Isabella

Thursday, July 26, 2012

35 week check up home visit

We had our home visit from the midwives yesterday. Debbie and Lovesta visited our home together. Zach was able to take the day off from work, which I'm so happy about because he has only been able to be at one prenatal appt. 

What is a home visit? Around 36 weeks, my midwife will make a trip out to your home for a prenatal check up. This is mainly to get familiar with the area and our home. We discussed where the birthing pool would go, I gave her a tour of our home, and showed her the birthing items I've collected (towels, birth medical kit, basic baby items, etc).

During the check up we discussed emergency delivery tips, if the baby comes in record time and the midwives are not there yet. Zach was advised to have me get down low to the ground, maybe on all fours to deliver the baby. Also, to get ready to catch the baby because they can be really slippery and shoot right out! Hehe. The baby would also be perfectly fine to deliver itself slowly on the floor, on a towel. That's why it's good to be really close to the ground. As soon as the baby is born, I should hold it skin to skin to keep her warm, we should turn off all fans so that the baby maintains a good temperature. Meanwhile, we will have the midwife on speaker phone directing us on what to do.

Note: This advice was just given in the situation of the baby being born so fast, that there wouldn't be enough time for the midwives to arrive; although probably just like how they would deliver a baby). It's really no different from the women who plans on delivering in a hospital, ends up not getting there in time and delivers the baby in the car. The babies and mothers are almost always perfectly fine. Also, what a fun story to tell! Hopefully, this won't be our situation though. I would really prefer my midwives to be here! The reason  why I'm talking about this is because we had such a short labor/birth with Tucker; only 3 hrs! I've heard that the second baby can come even faster! Oh boy! But what a relief to plan on being in my own home and not in the car, on the side of the interstate ;)

I actually have a friend who was planning a hospital birth for her second baby, but ended up having an unplanned home birth because the baby decided to come so quickly. Thankfully her husband was home to be of assistance. Her and the baby were perfectly fine :) Perfectly healthy. They called a nurse and the paramedics arrived very quickly. They really enjoy telling the birth story :)

Our baby is doing great! Had a great heartbeat, belly measuring right on, my blood pressure was normal; everything looks great! Tucker even had a go at hearing the baby's heart beat, he LOVED this. He cried buckets of tears when it was time to take away the stethoscope. We also did the Group B Strep test (a fairly routine test). I actually did it by myself. They just instructed me how to do it and sent me into my bathroom. I should get the test results back in a few days. Hoping that we get a good result.

How am I feeling? Fairly well. Up until yesterday, I had been nauseous for 7 days. I didn't really have an appetite and felt queasy all day. Yesterday I felt totally better. I now have a roaring appetite, but am struggling with indigestion. I read online that this could be from the baby "dropping" lower into my pelvis. I do feel a bit more pressure down there and have to pee all the time!!! All good signs that the baby is progressing normally.

I always manage to write a ridiculously long post. Sorry! Thank you to my devoted followers! Only a few more weeks left!!!! :) :) :)

Pregnancy Questionnaire

How far along? 35 weeks

Due date: Somewhere around August 30th, 2012
Baby #? 2nd child
Symptoms? Sensation of the baby's head dropping, Braxton Hicks contractions, VERY frequent urination, easily fatigued, sore feet and lower back, indigestion, NESTING!!!
Fetal Movement? Yes, But as my midwife says, it's more like Tai Chi instead of Karate :)
Cravings? Meat! Fish, steak, cereal, Greek yogurt and granola.
Gender of baby: GIRL
Doctor or Midwife: Certified Nurse Midwife
Hospital or home birth? Planned home birth
Mood? "Nesting" like crazy
Looking forward to: Chilling out and watching the Olympics for the next few weeks, since most of the baby prep is done.